So if you don’t already know, you can now buy our famous scones at Toast & Co. in Litchfield. If you don’t know where Toast & Co. is well, then you just need to get out more. Toast & Co. opened in April and soon became the place to be. Christine and Mark had a dream and decided to make it a reality. Toast has quickly become the place to be. Serving their famous smoothie bowls, avocado toast and Ami’s bagels, it has something for everyone. They are open 7 days a week (check the times on their website) and greet their guests with smiles and enthusiasm as their serve Omar coffee and wonderfully flavored hot and iced teas. When Christine heard that we baked she asked us if we would make some scones and see how they went. The rest, as they say, is history.. months later we can’t make them fast enough. From Blueberry lemon, cranberry orange, chocolate chip, raspberry white chocolate to our newest flavors - banana pumpkin spice and peaches and cream, they are fast becoming everyone’s go to treat.
We are so grateful for the opportunity to showcase what we do and Toast has offered us a platform to do just this.
Thank you Christine and Mark and all the staff at Toast & Co. You guys rock!!!